元代,原石现藏郑州汉石雕博物馆,龙马”是在中国古代神话传说中是一种兼具龙和马形态的生物,也指骏马,被认为是吉祥的象征。龙马也被认为是精神健壮的象征。出自李白《白马篇》:“龙马花雪毛,金鞍五陵豪。”Yuan Dynasty, the original stone is currently housed in the Zhengzhou Han Stone Carving Museum. The "dragon horse" is a mythical creature in ancient Chinese mythology, representing both dragon and horse forms, and is considered a symbol of auspiciousness and spiritual strength. It comes from Li Bai's "White Horse Ode": "The dragon horse with snow-white hair, a golden saddle for the heroes."
龙马行天图 Dragon and Horse Soaring in the Sky
SKU: 24010306
- FENG Wanpeng