明代,原石藏于郑州汉石雕博物馆,此石刻为大户之家,庭院建筑构件,雕刻生动传神,威武霸气,似有王者之风。麒麟的寓意是平安吉祥、聚财富贵,是慈祥、人才、祥瑞的象征。麒麟是中国古时候人们构想出来的一种神兽,并不是现实中的动物,麒麟的外形是狮头、麋身、虎眼、鹿角、龙鳞,它与貔貅、龙、凤、龟并称为瑞兽,被人们视为祥和之兽,代表着中国传统思想中平安祥和的部分,是中国古代的文化符号。Ming Dynasty, the original stone is housed in the Zhengzhou Han Stone Carving Museum. This stone carving, from a wealthy household's courtyard architecture, depicts vivid and majestic scenes, exuding a royal aura. The kylin symbolizes peace, prosperity, and auspiciousness, representing benevolence, talent, and good fortune. It is a mythical creature imagined by ancient Chinese people, with a lion's head, deer's body, tiger's eyes, deer's antlers, and dragon scales.
麒麟献瑞 Bringing Auspiciousness with a Kylin.
SKU: 24010301
- FENG Wanpeng