宋代皇家礼器,也是著名的法器。造型取葫芦外形,亦称福禄瓶。天然矿物料,玛瑙入釉,传统技艺,釉质温润如玉,紫口铁足,纹如鳝血特征显著。开片自然流畅,具有镇宅辟邪、福禄一生之寓意。A royal gift of the Song Dynasty and a famous ritual vessel. The shape is modeled after a gourd and is also called a blessing and prosperity vase. Using natural mineral materials, agate in the glaze, and traditional techniques, the glaze is warm and delicate like jade, with a prominent purple mouth and iron feet, and patterns resembling eel blood. The glaze flows naturally and symbolizes warding off evil spirits and blessings throughout one's life.
葫芦瓶 Gourd-shaped Vase
SKU: 24010102
- H 18cm
- WANG Dongxia