《千里江山图》是北宋王希孟创作的绢本画卷作品,现收藏于北京故宫博物院,是中国十大传世名画之一。该画群山连绵、江河浩淼,景物繁多,设色清丽,意境雄浑,立体感强,是送客户、外国友人的高端特色礼品。以传世名画《千里江山图》复刻还原,画中山高水长,瀑水长流,川流不息,青山绿树间配上了瀑布流水,不仅给画面增添了灵韵和动感,更表现了一种财源滚滚,源远流长的吉祥意义"Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" is a silk scroll work created by Wang Ximeng of the Northern Song Dynasty, now collected in the Palace Museum in Beijing. It is one of China's top ten handed-down paintings. The mountains in the painting are continuous, the rivers are vast, the scenery is varied, the colors are beautiful, the artistic conception is majestic, and the sense of three-dimensionality is strong. It is a high-end characteristic gift for clients and foreign friends. It reproduces the handed-down painting "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains." The mountains are high and the water is long, the waterfalls flow continuously, and the mountains and trees are accompanied by waterfalls, which not only adds spirituality and dynamism to the picture but also expresses a auspicious meaning of rolling wealth and long-lasting prosperity.
千里江山图 Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains
SKU: 24010409
- 71*228cm
- Yihan