刘海戏金蟾的故事相传久远。远古时一位爱助人的神仙名叫刘海。因他常在公众场合拋洒,用以接济沼停乞讨的人们和穷苦人倍受人们敬仰。后来人们就把他尊称财神。故今天经商者在开业时都要摆上一个刘海的瓷像,以示刘海能助其生意兴隆,财源广进。In ancient times, there was a kind-hearted immortal named Liu hai who helped the needy by scattering wealth. People revered him as the god of wealth, believing he could bring prosperity. Today, merchants place a statue of Liuhai when opening their businesses, hoping for success and wealth.
刘海戏金蟾 Liu hai and the Golden Toad
SKU: 24010606
- REN Helin