中原婚俗是华夏民俗文化的重要组成部分,中原石刻拓本内容广博,题材丰富,线条生动,画风淳朴,在中国的考古、学术、美学中占有一定地位。反映了20世纪中期中原地区民问婚嫁风俗 讲述了从说媒、见面、换礼、订婚 过帖、做嫁妆、送好、夹毡、民乐队、迎娶、添香、上轿、送嫁妆、送女客、落轿、除邪、进门、骑马过里、撒喜钱、扒斗、拜天地、上头洗脸、换鞋、闹洞房、祝贺、三天回门、见娘等一·系列结婚流程。该拓本原石共13块,现藏郑州汉石雕博物馆,山河南金石艺术馆总监、传拓艺术大师冯万朋精工拓制,其工艺精细、内容丰富、独具特色,具有较高的文化、艺术和收藏价值。Central Plains wedding customs are an important part of Chinese folk culture. The rubbings from stone carvings in the Central Plains are extensive in content, rich in themes, vivid in lines, and simple in style, occupying a certain position in China's archaeology, academics, and aesthetics. They reflect the matrimonial customs and rituals of the Central Plains region in the mid-20th century, detailing a series of wedding processes including matchmaking, meeting, exchanging gifts, engagement, passing on the wedding card, preparing the dowry, sending the dowry, felting, hiring a folk music band, welcoming the bride, adding fragrance, lifting the sedan chair, delivering the dowry, sending off female guests, descending from the sedan, expelling evil, entering the home, riding through the neighborhood, throwing joyous money, climbing the bridal chamber, worshipping heaven and earth, the first wash after the ceremony, changing shoes, teasing in the bridal chamber, congratulations, returning to the bride's home three days later, and meeting the bride's mother, among others. The original stones of these rubbings number 13 in total and are currently housed in the Zhengzhou Han Stone Carving Museum and the Henan Goldstone Art Museum, with Feng Wanpeng, a master of rubbings and the director of the museum, meticulously reproducing them. His craftsmanship is fine, the content rich and unique, possessing high cultural, artistic, and collectible value.
中州婚嫁图 Central Plains Wedding Picture
SKU: 24010308
- FENG Wanpeng