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也叫它百子迎福图、百子嬉春图等,在中国传统文化中由于“百”含有大或者无穷的意思,因此把祝福、恭贺的良好愿望发挥到了一种极至的状态。百子寓意子孙满堂家族兴旺的最主要的表现,祥瑞之兆。画面常用谐音谐意,寓意多福多寿,多子多孙,子孙昌盛,万代延续。Also known as "Hundred Children Welcoming Fortune" or "Hundred Children Playing in Spring," this artwork reflects the Chinese belief in auspiciousness and prosperity. The number "hundred" symbolizes abundance and infinite blessings, representing a prosperous family with many descendants and auspicious signs. The imagery often uses homophones and puns to convey wishes for abundance, longevity, numerous offspring, and continued prosperity across generations.

百子图Hundred Children's Painting

SKU: 24010501
  • JIA Yanmei
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