被称为器型之王,北宋官窑的梅瓶是宋代皇家礼器,小口短颈,丰肩收底,线条优美。因其形状而被视为具有坚韧不拔的品质,象征着高尚的风范和坚定的节操。天然矿物料,玛瑙入釉,传统技艺,釉质细腻,温润如玉,紫口铁足、纹如鳝血特征显著,开片自然流畅。适合插梅枝而得名,具有吉祥如意,前程似锦之寓意。Known as the king of shapes, the plum vase of the Northern Song Imperial Kiln is a royal gift of the Song Dynasty, with a small mouth, short neck, and broad shoulders tapering to a narrow base, with elegant lines. Because of its shape, it is considered to have qualities of tenacity and symbolizes noble demeanor and firm integrity. Using natural mineral materials, agate in the glaze, and traditional techniques, the glaze is delicate and warm like jade, with a prominent purple mouth and iron feet, and patterns resembling eel blood, with a natural and smooth glaze. Suitable for inserting plum branches, it symbolizes good luck and a bright future.
梅瓶(大)Plum Vase (L)
SKU: 24010101
- H 23cm
- WANG Dongxia