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北宋官窑是宋代五大名窑之一,专为皇家烧制礼器。抱月瓶不仅仅是艺术品,它的设计和寓意也承载着深厚的文化传统和人们的期望与祝福,还赋予了吉祥、富贵和旺财的象征意义,同时还有助于趋吉避凶,是尊贵身份的象征。作品从胎到釉选用天然矿物料,玛瑙入釉,釉质温润如玉,紫口铁足,温如鳝血特征显著,具有辟邪之意。One of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty, specializing in firing royal ritual vessels. The moon-embracing vase is not only an artwork but also carries profound cultural traditions and people's expectations and blessings. It also symbolizes auspiciousness, wealth, and prosperity and helps to avoid misfortune, symbolizing a noble status. From the body to the glaze, Wang Dongxia uses natural mineral materials, agate in the glaze, and traditional techniques, resulting in a glaze as warm as jade, with a natural flow, a prominent purple mouth and iron feet, and patterns resembling eel blood. It symbolizes warding off evil spirits.

抱月瓶 Moon-embracing Vase

SKU: 24010105
  • H 12.5cm
  • WANG Dongxia
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