剪纸脸谱文化起源于中国,其历史可追溯至唐代。当时,人们开始在纸上剪出各种图案,用于装饰家居和寺庙。随着时间的推移,这种艺术形式逐渐发展成为一种具有深刻内涵和象征意义的民间艺术,并在各地流传开。剪纸脸谱通过图案和色彩的搭配,传达出人们对美好生活的向往和对吉祥、幸福的追求。同时,剪纸脸谱也具有深刻的历史和文化价值,是中国传统文化的珍贵遗产。 The culture of paper-cutting drama masks originated in China and can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. Initially used for decorating homes and temples, this art form gradually evolved into a deeply meaningful and symbolically rich folk art, spreading across various regions over time. Through patterns and colors, paper-cut drama masks convey people's aspirations for a better life, happiness, and auspiciousness. They also hold profound historical and cultural value as precious heritage of traditional Chinese culture.
戏剧脸谱 Drama Mask
SKU: 24010516
- JIA Yanmei