明代原石现藏郑州汉石雕博物馆,双龙戏珠起源时间是先秦时期,拥有三千年的历史。龙, 是古代传说中的两栖动物,它产生于华夏图腾文化,远古的三皇五帝均以龙作为图腾。珠,即珍珠 、夜明珠,龙珠可避水与火,是吉祥的象征,民间喜欢在佳节戓庆典时举办舞龙表演以示庆贺Ming Dynasty, the original stone is currently housed in the Zhengzhou Han Stone Carving Museum. The origin of the "double dragons playing with a pearl" dates back to the pre-Qin period, with a history of three thousand years. The dragon, a mythical creature in ancient legends, originated from Chinese totem culture, and was the totem of the ancient Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns. The pearl, symbolizing pearls or luminous pearls, can avoid water and fire, and is a symbol of auspiciousness. People like to hold dragon dance performances during festivals and celebrations to express congratulations.
双龙戏珠 Double Dragons Playing with a Pearl
SKU: 24010309
- FENG Wanpeng